The PSHE curriculum delivered at St. Leonard’s aims to cover all statutory requirements outlined in Statutory Government Guidance. As a Catholic primary school, our Relationships, Sex and Health Education curriculum is taught through the’ Life to the Full’ programme from ‘Ten: Ten’ resources, which is recommended by the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.
Using a thematic approach, different year groups will work on similar themes at the same time. The programme for each phase follows 3 modules of work: ‘Loved and created by God’, ‘Created to love others’ and ‘Created to live in community’. A wide variety of activities are provided including prayers, music, short films and worksheets. It is based on Gospel values and links closely to our Religious Education curriculum.
As part of our Collective Worship rota, we plan assemblies based on British Values such as Difference, Disability and Age. At St. Leonard’s Catholic Primary School, PSHE is closely linked to our RE curriculum. We aim to equip our children with respect for others and an ability to celebrate that we are all unique in the eyes of God.
We aim to ensure that all pupils:
- Grow in self-respect, aim high and celebrate who they are.
- Understand the rights of the child and laws / rules in place to enjoy a happy, healthy and safe childhood.
- Acquire the skills necessary to develop and sustain positive relationships, focusing on family and friends, including online.
- Appreciate and respect differences, valuing the contributions others make to our society.
- Develop resilience when faced with challenging situations knowing how / where to seek help.