Children are introduced to Spanish from the EYFS and all classes use Spanish as part of their daily routine. Year 2 have a weekly 30-minute lesson using the Bishop Chadwick Trust Scheme of Work. KS2 classes have an hour-long lesson using the same scheme of work. This approach enables the children to develop early language acquisition skills that facilitate their understanding of the patterns of language and how these differ from, or are similar to English. Lessons across the Key Stages support the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing (KS2).
Children are taught to listen attentively to spoken language and to respond, joining in with songs, rhymes and games. Children develop an appreciation of a variety of stories, songs, poems and rhymes in Spanish that are delivered through the curriculum content. All lessons use PowerPoint presentations which are delivered by a native Spanish speaker.
- Links have been developed with secondary schools within the Bishop Chadwick Trust
- Spanish lessons are delivered through the Bishop Chadwick Trust scheme of work.
- Planned activities within the Trust, throughout the year celebrate the Spanish language, culture, and traditions, allowing children to develop as global citizens.
- Our Spanish Day enables the whole school to be immersed in the inclusion of the culture and use the language meaningfully in context.